Entry Date_ extended to June 15th and Image Submission Date Extended to July 1, 2016.
2015 Winning Photo
by Brian Watkins
The Mountain Arts Photographic Society (MAPS), The Mountain Arts Network (MAN), in Lake Arrowhead are co-sponsoring the Second Annual Mountain-wide Photographic Competition.
The theme of the 2016 competition is “Mountain Spirit”. Entrants are invited to submit images of subjects that form the spirit or life of our San Bernardino Mountain. Subject matter can include but is not limited to people, historic sites, landscape views, wildlife, community activities to include recreational activities such as skiing, hiking, fishing. All entries must have been captured here in the San Bernardino Mountains or in our San Bernardino Mountains Communities. The competition will run from March 15, 2016 to July 1, 2016. Entrants will be required to submit an entry form and check or money order for the entry fee. Entrants will be able to submit up to five (5) digital images on the theme for the “per person” fee, of $10.00, ($5.00 for MAPS or MAN members). There are several cash prizes being offered. 1st prize - $300.00 2nd prize - $150.00 3rd prize – $75.00 Two runner-up prizes of $50.00 each
Three honorable mention places. All winners will receive a certificate acknowledging their win and a matted 11X14 Print of their winning image
Entries will be evaluated based on adherence to the theme, artistic appeal, content and photographic skill. The decision of the panel of judges is final.
The winners will be announced at a reception at the Mountain Arts Gallery in the Lake Arrowhead Village, (Date to be announced) and the winning images will also be displayed in the Gallery for a period of time after the reception.
A flyer, contest rules and instructions and an entry form can be obtained at the Mountain Arts Network Gallery, on the waterfront in the Lake Arrowhead Village or by sending a request for contest materials to [email protected]. For additional information, questions or to request a set of forms, send an email to [email protected].